Today I have spent the day tidying the house and putting everything in it's rightful place.
That basically involved unpacking the remaining boxes and doing some more chucking out. There was far too much rubbish in my life before this move. Now I have slightly more organised rubbish!
Setting up a new house is always a little bit expensive as you find the things that you are missing that you wouldn't normally think about. Like a garden hose - we didn't have one of them but they are quite handy to have around.
I have all these visions for this house - this being the first house that Mark and I have owned together. But I think that some of my visions are going to have to take time and happen slowly. Especially the fact that I have a bout $5000 worth of furniture in my head that I would love to buy right now!
I have bought a few small things like a new doona cover and some new lamps to tide me over but I do have to keep reminding myself that it is a work in progress and it doesn't all have to happen and come together at once.
My next project now that the house is unpacked is the baby's room. I have visions of how I want it to look - but first I need to see what we are getting from the cousins house. I hope to be able to do that this weekend. I have to let go of it being perfect though because to be perfect I would need it to have all white furiture - and I know for a fact that the cot is made from a blonde coloured wood. But I will make do with what I have.
I planted a tomato and a chillit today - so hopeully they grow. We also discovered that quite a few of the trees in our yard are fruit trees of some description - so I am looking forward to seeing what they yield. Next weekend I would like to buy a lemon tree and possibly a capsicum plant.
The only thing left will be managing to keep them alive!
3 weeks ago
Careful with the veggies and herbs - I got tomatoes, basil and capsicum last weekend (too early, but it was a salad pack) and they've all turned up their toes! Traditionally you don't plant out your tomatoes until after Melbourne Cup day due to the frosts here.
Good luck!
I'm sure the baby's room will look lovely. :)
Hi amanda - wow - you got a blog! Yay. I know - I can't believe that there are still frost's hapenning. I don't mind too much though if I kill them - it wouldn't be the first time. LOL. They just looked so good in the trays at bunnings.
Nah, no blog, just a Google log on as it is easier for visiting everyone else's.
I got caught by all the pretty stuff too...but it didn't survive!
Congrats on getting into your new house and getting it all organised. That must have been a huge challenge for you while pregnant and working full time, and with all the other stuff going on in your life at the moment.
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