Well tomorrow I embark on the operation lose 10kg project.
I'm a bit pissed off that due to extenuating circumstances with Harris and me just not getting the support I needed this weekend in terms of child free time I now still have a messy cluttered house and hence a messy cluttered headspace.
Harris has been impossible today he wouldn't play on his mat, he wouldn't let us put him down and he did a lot of distressed crying - which makes me stressed. Possibly he is growing or maybe even getting a tooth. It is impossible to know but there is nothing I can do about it except sooth him where I can.
I have drawn up a daily to-do list on my white board to try and help me be organised enough to make this easier. I have planned out dinners for a month in advance - I will still have to think about healthing them up a little bit for me each day but perhaps that is something I can look forward to. It annoys me that this was like second nature to me early last year - I didn't have to think hard about it at all -I just knew what I needed to do and did it. I am sure that I will get back to this point but until I do the head part of it all is hard work.
I did have a good dinner tonight of lamb steaks marinated with a north african spice blend and salad...followed by an apple...Its a good beginning.
Edit....The next morning
The scales are not my friends... How is it possible to stand on a set of scales three times in the space of 5 minutes and for each time the number on the scales to increase so that by the lsat time the scale weight is 1.7kg more than the first time. humpf!
3 weeks ago
You are going to knock off those kilos in NO time Andrea!
Well done on all of that planning! It is awesome to have a months meals planned! I only ever manage a forthnights worth.
Hope Harris is feeling better. It is frustrating when they have their needy days isn't it? I just try to go with it and enjoy cuddling my little munchkin all day :)
I hope today is all going to plan for you xxx
Maybe it needs new batteries, annoying all the same!
Babies are so unpredictable & can throw you plans to the wayside in no time, Just remember at least you are trying, I didnt & devoted all my time to my kids, & thats the reason I am 15kg heavier than Id like, I forgot me, big mistake...
Plan, Plan & Plan will get you there...
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