... it has been a long time without blogging for me but to be honest I just haven't really felt like it in the past few weeks.
In the haze of sleep deprivation that has been the highlight of the past month I see to have started to lose my mojo for many things - exercise adn blogging being two of them.
I literally have felt like we have been living in a haze. It doesn't help that we have been sick on and off for the most of the past month.
We seem to all be on the mend now though - I just have to find that motivation again.
I promised one of our extended family members that I would do the Canberra times 10km fun run on the 13th of September.
So what am I doing about it.... just thinking about what I need to do rather than doing it.
I have the hesitation of fear of hard work surrounding me at the moment.
I think I may just need to jump in the deep end.
3 weeks ago
Yeah I know the feeling Andrea, I am struggling with the motivation, but I don't have a baby as a excuse.
I hope you can go for a little run soon.
It's very hard to function or to even think about everyday things when your sleep deprived.
Thinking about the 10k run is all you can muster up right now. If I were you I would put that thought aside for a few days and really look at finding sleep time. Anything you can find at anytime will help you more then you know.
Try really hard honey to catch up on some sleep.
Oh crap, I've got that lovely sleep deprivation coming soon!
Hope you all feel better soon, it would be very tough if you've all been sick! Good to hear you've got the next goal lined up though. Fingers crossed you catch up on some sleep soon.
Hilary xx
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