* That eggplants and capsicums like it hot - really hot. My eggplants and capsicums weren't doing very well at all and then bam - as soon as it got hot they have gone nuts. The capsicum is still coming to terms with deciding to start growing again but the eggplant is just crazy.
* That Peas of any kind need a trellis of some description
* That it is easier to grow pumpkins by just 'chucking some seeds in there' than it is to carefully plant seedlings. (Especially when a bulldozer happens to drive through tha part of the garden where the pumpkins were planted) It's OK though - now the seeds I chucked in there on the off chance they would grow are doing just that and it is far more satisfying.
* That tomato's are relatively easy to grow but they do need a trellis - and also like it hot - as do chilli's.
* That if you have a Labrador that has been trained to ea fruit and vegetables, you should keep it away from Plums, Apples, Apricots and Tomatos.
So my failed crops were Peas and Zucchini's - the zucchini's were munched my something but I think I will give them another go next year. I think I will also broaden my range and try a couple more vegetable varieties next year. I am also going to get a big pot and plant some strawberries...mmmnnn fresh strawberries.
3 weeks ago
That's a great post Andj, it's interesting what you notice. I have noticed that my passionfruit plant loves the hot weather. It has grown a huge amount in the last couple of days and also needs a trellis
My dogs ate my zucchini - are you sure yours didn't?
I also had trouble with our dogs eating plums. It only happened once, though, as one of them ate too many! ewww!
I'm sure you're counting the days left of work now - take care and take it easy.
Hi Kristy,
I would love to get a passionfruit vine going - I was going to wait until we had our pool fence up and then plant it along the pool fence. We had one in Qld and they are the best.
Hi Amanda,
LOL - it wasn't the dog. We didn't even get to the growing stage with the zucchini. They were eaten by bugs when they were seedlings. Zoe loves our apricots and also eats too many. They are finished now though. She mostly just chucks the plums around. Yesterday afternoon she ate my best tomato - bad dog.
I am counting the days for sure. Today I am having a tired day, but I know that I am better off at work in the aircon than at home in the heat. I think I'll be in the pool again tonight though.
Chat son,
LOL at the lab eating your fruit and veges. Ours loves apples.
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